Monday, January 27, 2025


Education is often directed at achieving certain aims, such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits. Here are some articles that explore a wide range of topics related to education.

body odour

Why do some people have body odour (and some don’t)? |...

Ever caught a whiff of someone and thought, “What on Earth is that?” Or worse, wondered if it’s you? Don’t worry, we’ve...
helicopter parent

5 Signs you have Helicopter Parents |

In the Pixar film Inside Out, Joy does her best to keep her girl Riley happy all the time, before finally realising...
twitch hand

Finger Twitching? Here’s What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You...

If you're a tech worker, gamer, musician, or artist, chances are you've experienced the annoying—and sometimes worrying—sensation of finger twitching. Whether it's...
countries names

These Countries Go By Different Names Now |

What’s in a name? Quite a lot, if you’re a nation. Over the past two decades, several countries have decided to give...