Sunday, July 28, 2024
Home EDUCATION Page 135


Education is often directed at achieving certain aims, such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits. Here are some articles that explore a wide range of topics related to education.


Prepping for the Future: What to Expect at STEM Day 2021...

We're now living in a new normal world shaped by our knowledge and experience of the pandemic. As such, our economy will...

Ways to Maximise Your Internship |

Fresh out of school and with little work experience to speak of, students often have two big questions. The first, “How do...

Take this grammar test to see if you’re making the same...

As you may know, there are gram­mar er­rors which are unique to Sin­ga­pore. Whether it's confusing nouns, plurals or spelling, take this simple test...

What can and can’t be recycled in Singapore? |

How many times have you wondered if the plastic trash you hold in your hand is recyclable? You don't want to simply...