Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Why is it so expensive to go green? | campus.sg

Ditch fast fashion in favour of sustainable clothing. Eat organically-produced food. Drive an electric car. While these environmentally-friendly attitudes are encouraged, they...

Beyond the Binary: Gender Identity and Pronouns | campus.sg

For many years, the use of personal pronouns has become the topic of much controversy and discourse. However, there’s no denying that pronouns are an essential part of grammar to identify yourself and others.
Feminism men

Why Men Should be Feminists Too | campus.sg

It’s not uncommon to hear that once women identify themselves as “feminists,” they’d almost always be labelled a “man hater” or even “feminazi.” Perhaps this stems from the problem that many of us still haven’t grasped the true meaning of being a “feminist”. 
Racism feminism

Racism still clouds progress for gender equality in multicultural Singapore |...

th to gender equality has been long and winding, partly because in multicultural Singapore, issues such as racism still clouds the way a lot of people think.