Monday, September 2, 2024

Chinese New Year Traditions That Blow Your Mind |

You may think you know your Chinese New Year traditions, but the festival used to be very strange indeed, with evil...

The Ghost Towns of CNY

The biggest annual human migration is currently underway in China. With almost 3 billion trips expected during the 40-day Lunar New Year period -...

Edible shoes for Valentine’s? Only in Japan.

In case you're wondering what chocolatey goodness is available in Japan on Valentine’s Day, you won't be disappointed. Forget the usual high-end chain-store choc...

Taipei’s Taoyuan Int’l Airport MRT is offering 25,000 passengers free rides

As some of you would know, there’s finally an MRT that connects Taoyuan International Airport to Taipei City. Even though the 51km-long Taoyuan International...