Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Travel shows

Travel Programmes Hosted by Asian Celebrities | campus.sg

By Lindsay Wong The onset of COVID-19 has restricted leisurely travel and essentially made it impossible. However, it’s still...
hawker food

Hawker foods: Singapore vs Malaysia versions | campus.sg

Put Singaporeans and Malaysians together, and food wars inevitably erupt. Many times, we would often make fun of each otherʼs food culture,...
study australia

Updates for students planning on studying in Australia | campus.sg

Australia’s often called The Lucky Country, and by all accounts they’ve remained so despite Covid-19. Australia’s seen 7,224 Covid-19 cases, only 429...
study new zealand

Updates for Those Planning to Study in New Zealand | campus.sg

New Zealand celebrated a well-deserved mini-victory on Monday, officially declaring itself Covid-free after having seen no new cases in the country for...