Sunday, July 28, 2024

Cats Ahoy!

Obviously, kittens have already conquered Youtube, and cats have come to dominate the meme-sphere with Nyan Cat, Keyboard Cat and Kitler (Nyein!) So it...

Typhoon Touchdown – Megi Reaches Taiwan

Taiwan can’t catch a break. Two powerful typhoons – Meranti (the strongest of 2016) and Malakas – have already blown past in the last...

Giant Moon Rolls Through Fuzhou Streets

It's Mid-Autumn Festival today, and in Fuzhou, China they've set up a huge inflatable moon to celebrate the occasion. But Super Typhoon Meranti had...

Penguin Promoted, Inspects Norwegian Guard

[youtube] 22 August 2016 - Sir Nils Olav (yes, the penguin) inspects the poker faces of the King of Norway’s Guard at Edinburgh Zoo....