Monday, March 10, 2025

Giant Moon Rolls Through Fuzhou Streets

It's Mid-Autumn Festival today, and in Fuzhou, China they've set up a huge inflatable moon to celebrate the occasion. But Super Typhoon Meranti had...

Penguin Promoted, Inspects Norwegian Guard

[youtube] 22 August 2016 - Sir Nils Olav (yes, the penguin) inspects the poker faces of the King of Norway’s Guard at Edinburgh Zoo....

[Out Now] Campus #43: Mind, Body and Health Issue

In our 43rd issue, we reflect on mind, body and health. Does your pet preference reveal your personality? What makes some countries happiest, and...

Thinking Outside The Box: Schools You Wish You Attended (Part 2)

If you love to see the world, then these are some schools that would make you green with envy. Continued from non-traditional schools that...