Long distance relationships can be very fulfilling, but because you can’t see them all the time, it can create issues such as loneliness and anxiety. However, technology can now help play a part in (partly) bridging that distance between you two, so that you can feel as if your partner is right next to you. You may be using WhatsApp to share photos, texts, and voice messages, but if you’re looking for more, here are some other apps that LDR couples can benefit from:
Kast – Watch movies together

The Kast app allows you and your loved one to watch videos and movies together, as it syncs whatever you’re watching. Not only can you watch anything together while you’re miles apart, this free app also offers the option of simultaneously video chatting your partner.
Between – Create a private shared calendar

While there are many similar apps, Korea-based Between remains popular. The free app creates a private channel for lovebirds to store their favourite memories and exchange intimate messages with GIF selfies and stickers. It’s good for keeping track of special dates and events.
Loklok – Love on your lock screen

LokLok for Android users is an app that allows you to send messages using sketches created on your lock screen. When your partner opens their phone, your sweet doodle will appear on their lock screen.
TouchNote – Send custom postcards

The TouchNote app is rather old-fashioned – it turns your customised pictures into postcards and sends them to your loved one with a personal message. There’s a free two-card-policy for you to try them out.
We-Connect by We-Vibe – Send vibrations

If texting or video calling isn’t intimate enough for you two, then We-Connect helps you on the naughty front by sending your texts and messages with ~vibrations~. Yes, this is a physically vibrating app for couples, and it’s a lot less naughty than all those IoT sex toys for couples.
Kissinger – Kiss your lover for real

Brace yourself – Kissenger is an app (developed in Malaysia) that requires a device that you’ll need to plug into to your phone. It is as bizarre as it sounds, because you actually kiss the gadget (while it’s connected to your phone) and that kiss will be ‘transmitted’ to your lover digitally (yes, he/she will also need the device) in real time. And yes, they will actually be able to feel the sensation of your kiss.