Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp Outage in Squid Game Memes | campus.sg

Facebook Squid Game meme

By now everyone would’ve known about the massive Facebook outage that took out the entire company’s portfolio of apps including Instagram and WhatsApp for about 6 hours. Users from all over the world were affected, mostly those who use the suite of apps for ecommerce and those who use them for daily communication with family and friends. Other people who were affected include those who used FB’s VR headset platform, Oculus, and those who used apps where they logged in with their Facebook accounts, like Pokémon Go.

However, it wasn’t just users who were affected – even Facebook’s HQ staff were locked out of their offices and workstations, since all their comms and security were linked to their server. They couldn’t even contact other members of staff with their company-issued phones, which explains why the recovery took so long.

This of course brought about some funny memes poking fun at the social media giant, and there’s no better way to tap onto the current viral popularity of Netfilx’s Squid Game. Here are some popular Squid Game memes parodying Facebook’s massive outage on Twitter (basically the other social network that wasn’t down).

Dalgona cookie challenge

The dalgona cookie challenge is the feature of the third episode, where contestants are given a tin containing the dalgona candy which has a picture carved into it. Each contestant must carve around without the candy snapping it – or face death.

Red Light, Green Light

The most famous scene of Squid Game is this game where contestants have to get to the doll before she turns her head; those who’re still moving will get shot down.

Brown business card

You may recall the brown piece of calling card with three different shapes and a phone number at the back, offering people a place in the deadly games. Interestingly, the number featured actually belonged to someone real, and he received hundreds of calls a day after the show went live.

According to Fortune, the outage cost Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg an estimated $6bn at one point as shares plummeted – if he was like the rest of us, he’d be on Squid Game to try and recoup his losses.