Last week MAN WITH A MISSION performed at MILLIAN SINGAPORE. Before the band went on stage, Campus Magazine got to ask to one of the member of the Japan’s most famous band made entirely of wolves, Jean-Ken Johnny, some questions. [Photo by KA2@A.D.P…(A.D.P… ALLSTARS)]
Who is the most handsome in the group? Yeah, we’re all wolf…let me see…Yeah, the good shaved one should be Tokyo Tanaka or maybe DJ Santa Monica, you know, they definitely look like decent wolf.
Do you have super-fans (aka groupies), who are really into the wolf thing? A lot of people in Japan, like the audience sometimes wears a mask really close to what we have, but this is not a mask, this is how we look like. If you’re calling those kind of guys “groupies”, well, probably yeah…
Who is the most shy normally? Actually, I’m the only one who’s speaking in this team so…

What’s the weirdest thing a fan ever did to impress you? The weirdest thing that ever happened…Well, our audience is really crazy every time, let me see. We play a lot a kind a hard rock, a kind of heavy kind of music and one time, I’ve just look at the audience and there was…He was probably 60 years old and he was right in front of the line, headbanging the hardest among the all and I was like “Whoa, he should be training a lot to do that!” I mean, that’s really beautiful, a lot of people among all ages following our music, that’s great!
What’s the weirdest gift a fan ever gave to you? Weirdest gift?! Ehm, let me see. One time, there was raw meat and dog food, but we really prefer human being food so, please do not give us dog food.
If you weren’t in a band, what would you really like to do for a job? If I was not in a band…I would definitely dream to be an illustrator, talking about Japanese manga and animation kind of things.
Favourite manga/anime? That’s the hardest one, I mean the favourite is always hard. There’s so much to talk about…Ehm, let me see. There is a great manga probably that is big all over the world, you know the animation Akira. Yeah, that’s the one that really went through the world and made Japan animation so big.
Do you play Pokemon Go? Pokemon Go? Oh, I’d love to. I mean, my friends all over the world play a lot.
What music is on your personal playlist right now? There’s a lot of music that is from the old days, from the 90’s. Like the Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, the Jesus and the Mary Chain. Yes, they’re always on my playlist.
Other than earth, if you were going to live on another planet, which one would it be? Well, I mean…If we can be there, I’d love to go anywhere: Venus, Mars…Yeah, a lot of people say that Mars is probably the next planet we’re gonna foot so…
Are you personally dog-lovers or cat-lovers? Ehm, I love both, but let me see…I like cats a lot, yeah. Sorry, we should say dog, you know…
If you had to describe yourself with a hashtag, what would be? Ehm, #neversober!