With the release of Star Wars coming soon, the world is definitely hit by Star Wars fever. From Star Wars themed election parody t-shirts to Dreamliner planes and even events, we check out a few of the happenings around the world and how people may be captializing on them.
Star Wars Celebrations kicked off in the US at Anaheim Convention Centre, and likewise across the world, there were live screening of it too. In Singapore, there was no difference, as the celebrations kicked started with the screening at a cinema. Star Wars Day celebrations occurred early too and over the weekends at Suntec City along with Free Comic Book Day too, which occurred during the same time as well. Prints and Darth Vader helmets were sold at the event to raise funds for charity and separately, one of the participating shops for Free Comic Book Day gave out Star Wars themed bags to invited guests too

Elsewhere in the States, an online entrepreneur is cashing in on the impending Election 2016 which is also close to the relaunch of Star Wars. The parody shirts promotes candidates from “a galaxy far, far away” and allows buyers to cast their sartorial vote for “Chewbacca/Solo” or “Palpatine/Vader”.
All Nippon Airways too, joined into the Star Wars fever as well by introducing their Dreamliner to the likeness of R2-D2. This would be a “five years Star War project”, although routes for it have not be determined, and is the first time any Star Wars character has been featured on the exterior of any planes.
And if you think these aren’t even for Star Wars fans, check out these other merchandises which would also delight any collectors at any given point in time here.
Last but not least of course, the trailer:
May the Force, be with you.
(images credited to their respective owners)