[Review] Boyce Avenue concert 2018

YouTube success story Boyce Avenue performed in Singapore for the third time last Thursday (7 June) at The Star Theatre. In 2015, they held a...

Going to Japan? Here are some accommodation options that aren’t Airbnb

With the Minpaku Law in force since June last year, options for Airbnb has been pretty limited. Under the law, hosts can only rent...

Quizzy Fridays: How well do you know Singapore’s pop concert scene?

Our little red dot may not be the first place that comes to mind for pop stars who are in their prime, but we...

Hey Fly Guy: Drones are more than just toys

Drones. We've all seen them. They're in Hollywood. They're on National Day. They're in your FB feed. They’re taking over the supply chain that...

5 Activities You Shouldn’t Miss at Campus Party

The first edition of Campus Party in Asia will be bringing in plenty of interesting "Campuseros" – experts from diverse fields of interests from...

Why you need to stop spending on pop concerts

One of life's hardest decisions has got to be choosing between watching Shakespeare in the Park for $50 and going to the Paramore concert...

Quizzy Fridays: Which faculty do you truly belong to?

Even though many of these faculty stereotypes have been debunked, they did exist in the first place for a reason. Are you a fresh graduate...

Are Mean Girls real? Faculty myths confirmed and debunked!

We've watched shows like Mean Girls and Riverdale and we know the typical high school stereotypes — The Queen Bee (aka head cheerleader), the...

Sex, cigarettes and alcohol: what is a safe age?

Imagine getting hitched to someone 5 times your age. Or being offered your first puff of a cigarette at the age of 9. Growing up...

Quizzy Fridays: Discover which Art form is for you!

In light of our Singapore Arts scene lives series, aren't you curious which art form you might be best suited for? Singapore's arts scene...