Why are some MRTs considered haunted?

We all seem to have a fascination with creepy sites, and when it comes to creepy MRTs it fascinates us even more – probably...

Giant Cockroach Backpack, Anyone?

If you hate bugs – particularly cockroachs – don't worry, you're not alone! But what if we say that you can face your fears...

Is a Gluten-Free Diet Linked to Type-2 Diabetes?

As well all know, a varied diet is the key to good health. However, with the burgeoning of trending diets like paleo and gluten-free,...

Food Etiquette Around the World

As a traveller, food etiquette may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you visit a new country. But don't be...

What does your appearance say about you?

Many people preach that “looks aren't everything” and yes, when seeking a relationship with someone this is very true. A number of other factors...

[REVIEW] Fabricated City

Fabricated City is the latest high speed action Korean flick to hit the screens. Kwon Yoo (Ji Chang-wook) is your typical jobless gamer who's not...

[Out Now] Campus Magazine Issue #47: Adulting

It happens to all of us. Gone are the days when all we had to worry about was surviving school, and trying out the...

How Travel Improves Your Health

Travel Decreases Stress It may sound obvious, but travelling (for a holiday) decreases stress by a lot. It has been proven that when travelling, due...

Potato (Chip) Famine in Japan; Panic Buying Ensues

Potato chips are a big deal in Japan. Typhoons that hit Hokkaido last August have resulted in a domestic spud shortage for Japan. And...

The Birth of Banks and Banking

There's a lot of misconception about banks and what they do. Banks aren't necessarily the shadowy, all-powerful global players pop culture would have you believe....