No One at the Wheel – Automatic Bus Trial Planned for 2018

Singaporeans have actually been using shared, electric, driverless vehicles for one and a half decades now: our familiar MRT trains. But now that Google,...

[Summary] Campus #44: The Weird Issue

For our 44th issue, take a walk on the weird side. There are mysteries that have defied explanation (some for decades), ancient blue bloods...

Next Stop: A Driverless Nation?

Now that Grab and nuTonomy are teaming up for a test drive at One North, we’re one step closer to autonomous taxis on Singapore’s...

Super Spiders and their Deadly Predators

Just in time for Halloween, we have a story about a huntsman spider that was recently spotted scaling a wall while dangling a mouse....

The Breakfast of Champions with … Chocolate?

The world is united by their love for chocolate, so when scientists found that chocolate with breakfast is good for you, all the world...

Two Singapore Cars that Chase the Electric Wave

Talk about Singapore-made cars and you might get a confused “Huh?” from people. Since when did Singapore start making cars rather than purchasing them? Well...

Weird Guinness Records Set in Singapore

Most Singapore records take the ordinary and push it to extraordinary lengths, like the Most People Wearing Balloon Hats (5,911), the Most Simultaneous Scrabble...

Much Ado About Dogs and Beer

When you go to Malaysia and ask for a hot dog, what do you think it means? a cheap sausage in a...

Weirdest Ways People have Popped the Question – in Public

Marriage proposals are hard, public marriage proposals can be absolutely terrifying – for both people involved. But fear doesn’t stop some people from going...

Going to Taiwan? Keep Those Receipts |

Travelling is all about the little things, and when you’re in Taiwan, it’s the little things that not only make travelling there...