3,000 Infected Mozzies Just Released On Purpose

3,000 Aedes mosquitoes were just intentionally released at Braddell Heights estate, and the culprits will return to release more in the next six months....

The Spoilt Generation: Why More Teachers are Quitting

The thing about teachers – and everyone surely has a view of them whether it is the fierce disciplinarian or the nurturing role model...

Singapore Girls Shine Overseas

Just as Joseph Schooling broke new ground for Singapore in swimming, and Nathan Hartono brought down the house in China, a group of amazing...

Cats Ahoy!

Obviously, kittens have already conquered Youtube, and cats have come to dominate the meme-sphere with Nyan Cat, Keyboard Cat and Kitler (Nyein!) So it...

[Review] RENT

 Credits: Crispian Chan I had high hopes for the eagerly-anticipated musical RENT, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. In fact, I was beyond impressed with the plot,...

Do you know that you are being watched?

Yahoo’s recent willingness to scan the incoming email of its customers for specific information identified by the U.S. government has aroused the sleeping dragon...

The Mechanical Madness of Joseph Herscher and other Rube Goldbergians

Have you ever brushed your teeth with a cuckoo clock? Licked a stamp by chopping onions? Flipped a page using marble, stove and hamster...

Beckham, Hart, Clooney and… and T-Rex?

In an age where we are all numbed by online ads being bombarded onto our screens when we're surfing Facebook or reading a blog,...

Destined for Oscars, Destroyed by Box Office

Some movies are bad, some are horrible, and some magically take us beyond merely horrible, into a wretched limbo that’s part fascination and part...

Last Week in P*rn

There’s porn about everything. Literally, every single thing (see Rule 34). The proof? Exhibit A via GIPHY B via GIPHY And C via GIPHY Now it’s also everywhere. Literally, every...