The Succession Plan – How Singapore would Handle a Leadership Emergency

Former President S R Nathan passed away on August 22nd, and just a day before, PM Lee gave Singaporeans quite a scare by nearly...

[Review] Shin Godzilla is not what you think it is

You’ve probably seen posters of this epic monster around town, flaunting its beady yet slightly comical eyes, giving you a hint of this darkly...

How many English words do you know?

According to a recent study by Ghent University in Belgium, the average 20-year old American knows about 42,000 words. The article was published in...

Singapore is Testing World’s First Robo-Taxis

nuTonomy's self-driving taxis launched first trial today in Singapore's one-north, ahead of tech giants Uber and Google. Developer of state-of-the art software for self-driving cars,...

Chinese counterfeit food is the new business

China is known to be one of the biggest producers of counterfeit products. However, this isn’t limited to designer goods – they...

[Out Now] Campus #43: Mind, Body and Health Issue

In our 43rd issue, we reflect on mind, body and health. Does your pet preference reveal your personality? What makes some countries happiest, and...

[Review] Masterpiece in Motion

The Singapore Dance Theatre (SDT) performed its much awaited Masterpiece in Motion on the 19th (Friday) and 20th (Saturday) of this month at the...

Psyching for likes: how to make people like you

“Man is by nature a social animal” - Aristotle We are social beings by nature; for many of us, being liked by others is...

Mario the Misogynist – Sexism in Gaming Culture

One great thing about video games: you can be anyone through your avatar - a rotund dinosaur with a chameleon tongue, an adventuring archaeologist...

Singapore Night Festival 2016

From 19 to 27 August, witness how the Bras Basah/Bugis precinct light up at the 9th annual edition of the Singapore Night Festival. Be...