Netflix’s ‘The Get Down’ [Review]

A coming-of-age musical drama of how hip hop was born in the Bronx in the 1970s, The Get Down is a stunning visual piece...

Skechers Blacklight Run Singapore is coming!

You’ve probably participated in a night run, or a fun run. Or maybe even a fun night run. If you haven’t, or are already...

[Review] ‘Home’ – M1 Peer Pleasure Youth Theatre Festival

Operating on as a yearly affair, M1 PeerPleasure Youth Theatre Festival aims to provide a comfortable space for the youth to express themselves creatively,...

5 Unique Stats about Runners in Singapore

Digital sports platform LIV3LY has revealed the results of its inaugural analysis of over 10,000 runners in its database. The analysis was done in...

Parenting 101

  Teach me, Sensei. Or rather, teach all the parents out there in the world, and all the parents-to-be. Teach them all Good Parenting 101,...


Last week MAN WITH A MISSION performed at MILLIAN SINGAPORE. Before the band went on stage, Campus Magazine got to ask to one of...

Rio 2016: the other side of the medal

The Olympics is one of the biggest events worldwide. It has the power to remind us of the importance of values such as love,...


With the debacle regarding freshmen orientation camps in a certain institution recently — which isn’t new, mind you — we thought that we might...

The Great Pokemon Conspiracy

Silly accidents, blatant trespassing and crime by the Team Rockets of the real world have followed Pokemon GO’s release, and now, conspiracy... As hoards of the phone-obsessed...

Sexless and the City

Sex sells. We all know that, hence the over-sexualised posters plastered all over, over-sexualised characters in video games, heck, over-sexualised everything. We...