Muswell Hill

Review: Muswell Hill by Pangdemonium |

by Megha Bhattacharya Singapore's Pangdemonium is no stranger to thought-provoking plays. This time, Timothy Koh brings to life Torben...
Space Innovation

To Infinity and Beyond: Advancing Sustainability in Space with SIT |

Most of us think of space as the great big void; but as humanity is increasingly looking towards the stars, life beyond...
LGBT Singapore media

Singapore Media on LGBTQ 50 Years Ago |

For Pride Month, we will take a look at how Singapore media tackled the issues of LGBTQ 50 years ago. In 1972,...
Kpop stan hate

Tackling K-pop Fandom Cyberbullying |

Any Kpop fan will be aware of all the cyberbullying that goes on in the fandom. Sometimes, a single post saying something negative about an idol can even land you death threats.
Long Covid

Celebrities with Long Covid |

For many, Covid has already stolen their youth. There's a common myth being passed around that Long Covid (LC) is rare. Or...

Sweden Accidentally Getting Dragged Online by #Swedengate |

Unless you haven't been on social media the past week, you may have heard of #SwedenGate, which basically painted Sweden in a...
F1 innovation

Formula 1 (F1) Innovations You Can Find in Everyday Cars |

While most of us look forward to watching fast cars zoom around the city and attending an F1 concert, let's take a...
Dee Kosh

Dee Kosh Pled Guilty; Ordered to Undergo Psychiatric Exam |

You may have watched Dee Kosh's emotional 10-minute Youtube video that he released on Wednesday (Jan 26) in which he addressed his...
Japan visit Prince of Legend

Favourite Spots in Japan, from the Cast of PRINCE OF LEGEND |

As Japan is slowly opening up to the world post-pandemic, you may want to start planning your much-anticipated trip to the land...
gender issue 76

[Out Now] Issue 76: Gender Issue |

From the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard case to incels committing violence, it's troubling that gender issues still cloud our everyday life. Our Gender...