Influencer money

How to Make Money as an Influencer |

by Ashley Ow Being an influencer is fast becoming a career goal for many teens these days. Not surprising,...
Buy Now Pay Later

The Rise of “Buy Now, Pay Later” Apps |

By Ashley Ow From Atome to Hoolah and OctiFi, there’s now a slew of ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ services...
ukraine food economic

The economic impact of the Ukraine war |

by Paul Ng To a casual observer, it’s been nearly 5 months since Russia invaded Ukraine. And it feels...

Why is it so expensive to go green? |

Ditch fast fashion in favour of sustainable clothing. Eat organically-produced food. Drive an electric car. While these environmentally-friendly attitudes are encouraged, they...

Easy Podcasting with the Maono PM422 Podcast USB Microphone |

As the podcasting trend continues to grow, you might be looking for suitable equipment to join in the bandwagon. Audio equipment may...
Roe v Wade singapore

The Impact of Roe v Wade in Singapore |

The overturning of Roe v Wade by the US Supreme Court sent shockwaves throughout the world, including Singapore. Many were shocked and...
Muswell Hill

Review: Muswell Hill by Pangdemonium |

by Megha Bhattacharya Singapore's Pangdemonium is no stranger to thought-provoking plays. This time, Timothy Koh brings to life Torben...
Space Innovation

To Infinity and Beyond: Advancing Sustainability in Space with SIT |

Most of us think of space as the great big void; but as humanity is increasingly looking towards the stars, life beyond...
LGBT Singapore media

Singapore Media on LGBTQ 50 Years Ago |

For Pride Month, we will take a look at how Singapore media tackled the issues of LGBTQ 50 years ago. In 1972,...
Kpop stan hate

Tackling K-pop Fandom Cyberbullying |

Any Kpop fan will be aware of all the cyberbullying that goes on in the fandom. Sometimes, a single post saying something negative about an idol can even land you death threats.