
Munchy Monday : Ajumma's

by Hidir Koh and Samantha Lee (and Ah Boon) Ajumma’s, which means “Auntie” in Korean, is a quaint food place located at the basement of...

Russian Fat Cat is Art World's Muse

When it comes to art parodies, there's definitely been plenty of them. However, Svetlana Petrova has taken this new form of art to another...

Ballet Under the Stars

  by Chua Wei Ling Ballet Under the Stars returns for it's 20th edition on the 12th of June, marking the first weekend of the 2...

Pop Tech! – Seeing is believing!

by Hidir Koh Technology has advanced much through the ages and adapted loads to the current trends. With new inventions constantly being produced to satisfy...

Campus Travelogue: Belum Rainforest

  by Jolyn Moh and Shafina Subari Earlier in April, we held a contest to pick two winners to send on a 3 days 2 nights...

Space Bound at the Singapore Science Centre!

by Kirstin Sow Retrofitted with the latest 8k full-dome digital theatre system, the revamped Omni-theatre at the Singapore Science Centre offers goers a greater immersive...

Music as an aid?

by Chua Wei Ling We've all heard the phrase "Music is my medicine", but what if, music can really be a medicine? A new project,...

Silences We are Familiar With

by Hidir Koh Choreographer Kuik Swee Boon took another take on Silences We Are Familiar With, a 2012 commission to the Esplanade’s Da:ns Festival, in...

Cho-Liang Lin Plays Mozart

By Samantha Lee Mozart is definitely no stranger to anyone in or out of the classical music scene. A prolific and influential musician of his...

Top 5 Gap Year Destinations

by Dieudonnée Soh Your (metaphorical) graduation cap is up in the air and your little red book is in hand. If you’re thinking of adding...