No Sex Please, We're Civilised
by Nina Gan
In the developed world, sex is not just for making babies, it’s also recreational. Sexual behavior has certainly changed over the ages...
Vibrators sold at your local stores
What's cute, colourful and... vibrates? You'd be forgiven for thinking that they're for massages (that's just how conditioned we are when it comes to...
'Public Enemy' review
by Prabhu Silvam
Written in 1882 by acclaimed Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, “An Enemy Of The People” struck at the hearts and minds of common...
Meet the new face of smartphone
Sitting somewhere between a smartphone (yes, it's a proper mobile phone) and a wearable tech, the Runcible is small enough to slip in a...
The "scary" side of the internet
Just last week, up to 500 people in Singapore who had illegally downloaded the film Dallas Buyers Club found themselves in hot soup. Legal...
Want to turn your eyes from brown to blue?
Cosmetic lenses available in the market have always been an option for those who would like to have a change of colours for their...
Selfie woes
The selfie phenomenon isn't old - you see it almost everywhere you go, someone whipping out a camera phone and taking a picture of him/herself....
Triple Bill by THE Dance Company
Comprising of three different parts, Triple Bill was performed at SOTA Drama Theatre from 2 - 4 April, and with each and every dancer showing their...
Asian Scientific Writing Competition
Sponsored by World Scientific Publishing Company and supported by Science Centre Singapore, this is the first year that the competition would be held. With...
April Fool!
Ah...the familiar streets of Singapore... or is it really? April Fool's Day is here again, and knowing Google, there's bound to something interesting once...