The Funniest Exam Answers
When Exams Equate To Laugh Out Loud Humour
By: Lakshmi Ganesan
We’re all probably the first in queue when it comes to purchasing the best study...
You Can’t Spell Funeral Without Fun
Tombstones To Remember
By: Samantha Pereira, Lakshmi Ganesan and Annabelle Maria Jeffrey
It’s always better to leave on a good note, but wouldn’t it be better...
Would You Vote For A Cat As President?
Animals That Rule
By: Annabelle Maria Jeffrey & Samantha Pereira
We all know how boring government elections are, from snooze-filled speeches and extravagant promises to some...
Free Apps That Are Worth Downloading
Apps To Bid Your Time
By: Samantha Pereira and Lakshmi Ganesan
We all know that Singapore transport - be it the bus or the train -...
Megan Nicole Live in Singapore
Texas Sweetheart Drives the Crowd Wild
By: Lee Xinlei
The Texan sweetheart sent the crowd into hysterics when she burst out on stage in her charming...
Make-up Tips for Different Skin Tones
Which make-up colours suit you?
By: Annabelle Maria Jeffrey
Make-up is an art most women will try at some point in their lives - be it...
Ten Healthy Foods to Keep Your Skin Glowing |
Achieving radiant, glowing skin starts from within, and the foods you eat play a significant role in nourishing your complexion. A diet...
5 TV Classics for Lonely Weekend Nights
Snuggle up with These Shows
By: Angela Low
It is the weekend. A typical teenager with a good circle of friends would be out painting the...
Fitness Songs
5 Songs to Get Yourself off the Couch
By: Grace Yeoh
It’s a dreaded word: Fitness. But for a body like Rihanna, you do need the...
Stunning 3D Paintings Around the World
They're Popping Up Everywhere!
By: Fitri Handa Yani
Three-dimensional (3D) visual information has taken the world by storm. Found in practically every type of product from...