Hospitality experiences

Curating Passions with Hospitality Industry Know-How |

After a year of restrictions, you don’t need to look far to realise that everyone craves a tangible experience. Just go to...
alcohol free booze

Alcohol-free Alcohol: Beer, Spirits, Wine, Cocktail |

If you've been to the supermarket or convenience store, you'll probably notice that the alcohol section is becoming more diverse. We're not...
Holland Code

How to Use the “Holland Code” to Determine Your Major |

You've probably done plenty of online tests to determine your personality type. But far beyond just knowing who you are, personalities –...
racist interracial

What happened to racial tolerance in Singapore? |

By now, you’ve probably seen or at least heard of the video that went viral on June 6 (Sunday) of an inter-racial...
Bride Always Knocks Twice

[Review] The Bride Always Knocks Twice |

by Megha Bhattacharya The Theatre Practice is breaking all norms of art form (if one can even have norms...
wayfinding dementia

Kueh and Colour Help Elderly Find Their Way Home |

By 2030, there will be 103,000 Singaporeans living with dementia, according to an Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) Report 2015. While we can't help...
art value

How the Baffling Price of Art is Based on Society |

Art and money have always been related; none of the most famous painters have ever worked only for the glory. Even back...
Korean Prince

Meet the Young Korean Crown Prince, Technopreneur Andrew Lee |

Korean-American Andrew Lee was just your typical rich, self-made technopreneur who was suddenly thrust into the world's headlines in 2018 when he...
Best BL Drama

Review : 2021’s Most Popular BL Dramas (so far) |

The popularity of BL dramas have been growing exponentially since 2020, and it’s set to grow even...

Prepping for the Future: What to Expect at STEM Day 2021 |

We're now living in a new normal world shaped by our knowledge and experience of the pandemic. As such, our economy will...