left-handed southpaw

Weird Facts About Left-Handed People | campus.sg

Did you know that Oprah Winfrey, Justin Bieber, Angelina Jolie, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lawrence, Keanu Reeves, Anna Kendrick, and Prince William are all left-handed? Comprising...
international scholarship

Get Free Education Abroad with These Overseas Scholarships | campus.sg

The paper chase has never been more intense. In recent years, it seems like landing a job without a degree is quite...
BTS Van Fleet

How BTS angered China in one speech | campus.sg

When BTS received an award for this year's Van Fleet Award, leader RM made a speech celebrating the relations between the US...
e-commerce Singapore

Which E-Commerce Site Has the Best Value for Singaporeans? | campus.sg

Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19 and the start of Singapore’s “stay-at-home” order, many e-commerce websites have seen an increase in customers,...
Singapore wildflowers

Identifying Singapore’s native wildflowers | campus.sg

During the Circuit Breaker, our local flora thrived, bringing colourful diversity to our usually-clean-cut green spaces. However, some of these fast-growing local...
Cruise to nowhere

Singapore ditches flights to nowhere; greenlights cruises to nowhere instead | campus.sg

Remember when environmentalists (and the general public) in Singapore rejoiced when SIA decided to ditch their "flights to nowhere" idea after it...
Corgi butt cushion

The mind-boggling array of “Corgi Butt Cushions” | campus.sg

Corgis are adorable. And so are their little butts. But some people have taken their love of this doggy derriere a little...

The Cyberpunk Aesthetic | campus.sg

Mention ‘cyberpunk’ and you’ll probably envision a scene out of Blade Runner or Akira – it’s a dystopian vision of the future...
Kdrama mental

Korean dramas that contain social and mental health issues | campus.sg

It's not difficult to see why Korean dramas are so popular. With a gorgeous cast that tackle multiple genres from romance to...
Qatar teachers day

Qatar Airways Offers 21,000 Complimentary Tickets to Teachers | campus.sg

For World Teacher’s Day today (5 October), Qatar Airways is giving away 21,000 complimentary tickets to teachers to thank them for their...