Study USA

Updates on studying in the USA post-Covid19 |

While the US has seen the most Covid-19 cases of any country with 2.3 million to date, the local Covid-19 situation can...
IB learning

Learning IB in Singapore |

What is IB learning? Visionary French educator Marie-Thérèse Maurette’s pedagogy is the basis for IB (International Baccalaureate) learning’s inception. ...
life finance tips

9 Life and Financial Tips for Students |

As students, it's the best time to learn about the rules of adulting. There's a wealth of advice and wisdom you can...
journalism 2020

Here’s why journalists are more than just ‘woke’ armchair activists |

by Bhawna Sharma To write is to make a statement. And to make a statement is to start a...
mosquito bite

How to Soothe Mosquito Bite Itches |

Mosquitoes are a vector for diseases – the most prevalent in Singapore is, of course, dengue. Since we live in the tropics,...

Why Physics Isn’t Everyone’s Favourite Subject |

The sitcom The Big Bang Theory introduced us to the world of physics through the socially awkward group of physicist buddies who...
arts singapore

Can Pursuing the Arts Pay Off in Singapore? |

La La Land is a musical film that sings of tragedy and happiness, the ups and downs, and the real struggles of...
Asian BL drama

Popular BL drama titles from Asia to watch |

You may be more familiar with telenovelas and Kdramas, but a new genre of romantic drama is spreading like wildfire across Asia...
study australia

Updates for students planning on studying in Australia |

Australia’s often called The Lucky Country, and by all accounts they’ve remained so despite Covid-19. Australia’s seen 7,224 Covid-19 cases, only 429...
Singapore foreign worker

COVID-19 and Singapore’s complex relationship with migrant workers |

By Bhawna Sharma Just when Singapore thought it had braved the worst of COVID-19, the second wave returned with...