Circuit breaker Singapore: first-world nation with third-world citizens? |

Not long ago, Professor Tommy Koh stirred up a bucket of emotions by commenting that Singaporeans lack the social etiquette and civic-mindedness...

Get international exposure in both student and working life |

If you love to travel, then being part of the hospitality industry is a no-brainer. A common draw of working in the...

How to deal with a ‘sovereign’ person |

You may have seen or heard about the video circulating around social media about a woman causing commotion at Shunfu Market for...

Covid-19: Strange government tactics to keep people indoors |

The coronavirus has gotten the entire world on some kind of lockdown, and some countries are doing innovative – if not hilarious...

Happy Star Wars Day 2020 |

May 4, 2020 doesn't just mark the original end date for our current Circuit Breaker. It's also "Star Wars Day" – and...

Ateeqah Mazlan and the ire of home bakers |

Social media has been abuzz with the name Ateeqah Mazlan recently. Who is she and why is she Singapore's most hated person?

University exams during Covid-19: how are schools doing it? |

With all classes in going online, many students are now slowly coming to grips with home-based learning. While many university students seem...

Covid-19: Cancellation of university entrance exams affecting international admissions |

It hasn't been a good time to be a student. First, those graduating from polytechnics and ITEs have had their graduation ceremonies...

The Virus Vanguard drama |

From Singa the Lion to Soaper 5, Singapore really loves creating mascots, and recently, we saw the introduction of a new team...

Circuit Breaker: Bubble tea mania reveals what kind of society we are |

There's something about bubble tea that is ingrained in Singaporeans – just pop down to the nearest mall and you'll find them...