Adventure Therapy as a tool for youths-at-risk |
by Cheryl Tan
The field of ecotherapy represents therapy techniques that involve a mutual healing between the human mind...
Women’s Day: Celebrate with Singapore’s female authors |
International Women’s Day is held on March 8th every year, and it's a day to celebrate half the world for their amazing...
The MBA of the Future? |
There’s a new type of MBA in town – and it’s designed to tackle several issues facing the business world today. As more...
The pinched finger emoji |
You may have seen this pinched finger emoji – but depending on who you ask, it has different meanings. Is it a...
[Review] The Lifespan of a Fact |
By Foo Rong En
Behind every successful story, there is a strong writer. What constitutes a successful story? Can...
Four Horse Road is back in 2020! |
By Lindsay Wong
The Theatre Practice (Practice)’s Four Horse Road is back in 2020 for its second run. From...
Exploring Tokyo and the surrounding Kanto area (PART 2) |
By Lindsay Wong
The Kanto region is close enough for short excursions from the bustling metropolis of Tokyo. These...
Exploring Tokyo and the surrounding Kanto area (PART 1) |
By Lindsay Wong
The Kanto region is rich in culture and history, but modern at the same time. It...
[Review] The Son by Pangdemonium |
By Kirstin Sow
Pangdemonium commenced their 10th year anniversary with the Asian premiere of The Son, directed by Tracie...
Class divide in Singapore’s education system |
by Zhiqi Wang
With the recent popularisation of the film ‘Parasiteʼ, inequality has again received attention, rare amidst the...