Win a trip to Bangkok, iPhone, MacBook when you place your next food delivery...
Student life can be overwhelming - from the impending deadlines, a mountain of readings, to the onslaught of new experiences and people...
[Review] Caught, presented by Singapore Repertory Theatre |
by Tracey Toh
Creative thinking might mean thinking outside the box. In Singapore Repertory Theatre’s staging of “Caught”,...
McDonald’s is giving away 2,700 Hershey’s McFlurry from Sep 20-22 |
McDonald's announced that it'll give away 2,700 Hershey's McFlurry at several bus stops. Simply head to one of these bus stops –...
Important skills to learn for the future of work |
We all know that tech is taking over the future world, and any skill related to that will be where the jobs...
Deus Ex Machina: meet the priest robots |
We all know that robots are taking over the world, but they're not all exactly where we expect them to. There's actually...
Are you ready for KFC’s dating simulator featuring a hot Colonel Sanders? |
“From the same people who brought you the bucket of chicken, comes the world’s first Colonel Sanders dating simulator,” the description reads.
“Daughter of Satan”: The creepy-cute art of Lim Qi Xuan |
How do you feel about this piece of art? Does it creep you out, or do you think it's cute? Or perhaps...
We gift mooncakes, Koreans gift SPAM |
As Singapore celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival this month, South Korea celebrates its Chuseok – a 3-day holiday when they pay respects to...
[Review] Weathering With You |
Straight after creating Japan's biggest anime hit Your Name, Makoto Shinkai returns with Weathering With You which combines his love of the...
[Review] Hustlers
By Darryl Goh
Hustlers is the type of movie that would make you raise an eyebrow when you look...