Cheat Sheet: Gen Z’s Guide to 80s Rock (with playlist) |

What does your Spotify playlist look like? If you've got tons of EDM or Kpop, you'd be forgiven for being just like...

Free outdoor movie screenings with free snacks during B.Y.O. Cinema! |

B.Y.O. Cinema is back this year, with free outdoor screenings of local movies – what's more there'll be free free-flow of snacks...

Microplastics ー Our Manufactured Problem |

by Valery Thong Most of us have probably heard of plastic pollution but might be unfamiliar with the word...

The truth about detox |

You've probably heard about toxins – it's in our environment and our bodies, and it's bad for us. But unless you live...

University orientations: what to expect? |

You've finally gotten into the university of your choice, but now there's another choice you have to make: freshman orientations. It's billed...

Get ready for free artsy weekends ahead |

If you're wondering what to do over the weekends, then why not drop by some arts events? You can go with friends...

The story of maneki-neko, an ancestral good luck charm from Japanese culture |

By Léa Dérédjian You may have met him at Japanese or Chinese restaurants and shops, wondering what this cat...

Being 19 affects your mentality |

There's something about the way the number '9' affects us mentally. We see $9.99 as $10, and we tend to take more...

[Out Now] Issue 60: Retro Issue

Who doesn't like a bit of retro? In this issue's magazine, we're featuring plenty of retro topics. If you...

[Review] Men in Black: International

Men in Black: International is a sequel/spinoff of the original Men in Black movie which was a hit in 1997, featuring Will...