Free outdoor movie screenings with free snacks during B.Y.O. Cinema! |

B.Y.O. Cinema is back this year, with free outdoor screenings of local movies – what's more there'll be free free-flow of snacks...

Microplastics ー Our Manufactured Problem |

by Valery Thong Most of us have probably heard of plastic pollution but might be unfamiliar with the word...

The truth about detox |

You've probably heard about toxins – it's in our environment and our bodies, and it's bad for us. But unless you live...

University orientations: what to expect? |

You've finally gotten into the university of your choice, but now there's another choice you have to make: freshman orientations. It's billed...

Get ready for free artsy weekends ahead |

If you're wondering what to do over the weekends, then why not drop by some arts events? You can go with friends...

The story of maneki-neko, an ancestral good luck charm from Japanese culture |

By Léa Dérédjian You may have met him at Japanese or Chinese restaurants and shops, wondering what this cat...

Being 19 affects your mentality |

There's something about the way the number '9' affects us mentally. We see $9.99 as $10, and we tend to take more...

[Out Now] Issue 60: Retro Issue

Who doesn't like a bit of retro? In this issue's magazine, we're featuring plenty of retro topics. If you...

[Review] Men in Black: International

Men in Black: International is a sequel/spinoff of the original Men in Black movie which was a hit in 1997, featuring Will...

Beefcakes and bodices: Cringe-worthy romance book covers |

It must've been hard being a romance novel-loving reader back in the 80s, when book covers almost always featured topless, beefcakes (often...