disease youth

The Not So Invincible Demographic: Diseases Affecting Millennials

You’re in the prime of your youth, and in great health. However, these days, more and more of this ‘invincible demographic’ are...

[Review] Tokyo Living Dead Idol

Japan may produce a lot of classic cult horror movies like "The Ring" or "Ju-on", but Tokyo Living Dead Idol is a refreshing –...

How to apply to universities worldwide | campus.sg

Universities around the world may be similar in terms of teaching style or even campus design, but that doesn’t mean that the...

[Review] Singapore Dance Theatre’s “Passages Contemporary Season 2018”

Passages (26-28 October) commemorates the company's 30th Anniversary by performing two memorable works from Singapore Dance Theatre's repertoire as well as new works created...

Haunted Places of Singapore (Part 2)

As we all know, spooks don't just haunt MRTs or schools. Featured below are some places that aren't restricted in school grounds that you may...

Haunted schools in Singapore (part 1)

We hear them all the time - stories about places that have that spooky factor to it. Legend has it that ghosts are formed when...

Weird canned foods

If you think eating canned spam or maggots was gross, you ain't seen nothing yet. From savoury meats to delectable desserts, nothing...

Want a job after graduation? Then look to acquire these skills or qualifications

For all students, getting a job is a priority after graduation, but job openings vary wildly depending on what subjects you studied. It's a...

Street Superior 2018: Overview

More than just a festival for cool kicks, and housed in an ultra-cool, grungy space to boot (pun intended), Street Superior 2018 (which happened...

What you should know about rape laws in Singapore

How much do you know about laws regarding rape in Singapore? With the #metoo movement going on around the world, it may be a...