An Inside Perspective of Nike’s 10K Run 2012
By Jolene Lim
Back in July this year, I signed up for my first 6k race and the experience left me with the ‘marathon fever’. When I heard of Singapore’s Nike 10k run, I was on board of the idea immediately.
This year’s Nike 10k run was bigger for one reason. It comprised of 20,000 runners ready to tackle the streets of Singapore with enthusiasm and anticipation. Passers-by would agree that it was a grand sight to see as countless of runners marched on the Esplanade Bridge to the starting line with their black and lime green running tee.
The race started off with several intervals because of the huge turnout. I belonged to the 7.25am batch. At the sound of the gunfire, my fellow comrades and I shook our bodies and took our first step towards our first kilometer.
It was my first time running freely on the roads. The novelty and excitement from the experience left me running longer than expected. With the beautiful sights of Singapore’s skyscraper and one particular adorable family with three dogs, it certainly gave the activity of running on the road a new meaning.
However, my first delight came upon the sight of the black Nike sign which read ‘4KM’. My mind and feelings were convinced that the number would disappear within seconds with a smaller digit but it never did and my legs gave a weary cheer.
The signs were one of my favourite parts of the race. They were noticeable which made it easier to spot even at a distance and provided me the boost to run for a few more meters before slowing for a quick break. In times of thirst, the sign was my hope to pinpoint the location of the next hydration station.
There were also members of the crew stationed at each milestone cheering the participants with words of encouragement and gave me added perseverance and focus on the finishing line.
After the last dash on the ‘red carpet’ also known as the finish line, runners were rewarded with free music, ice cream and massages from the celebratory booths. The venue was filled with joy, buzz and sweat, and was the perfect way to end my aerobic morning and reinvigorate my spirit for next year’s run.