The personality traits that you exhibited at age 7 are very likely to predict much of your behavior as an adult, and this personality remains relatively stable over time. This trait influences everything, from the friends you choose to the types of holidays you go on, or the jobs you take.
Learning which type you are can help you understand other people’s too, as well as give you insights into your strengths and weaknesses, and learn about how people see you.
Psychologists have now identified the five major types of personalities that exist, referred to as the “five factor model,” and everyone possesses some degree of each. These personality traits can also be found in the characteristics of Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

Conscientious people are often efficient, well-organised, dependable, and self-sufficient, since they prefer to plan things in advance and aim high. This trait may make them seem stubborn and obsessive by those who rank lower in conscientiousness.
Fun fact: Studies show conscientious spouse increases your chances of workplace success, helping you boost your productivity and achieve the most!

Highly extroverted people are talkative and outgoing, and are comfortable in the spotlight since they gain energy from social activity. They may be perceived as being domineering and attention-seeking.
Fun fact: Studies show that men with a strong handshake are most likely to rank high in extroversion and least likely to be neurotic. However, it’s not the case with women.

Those ranking high in agreeableness are known for their pro-social behavior, who are trustworthy, affectionate, and kind to others. They’re also often altruistic and committed to volunteer work, and may be viewed as naïve and overly passive.
Fun fact: Studies show agreeable investors are least likely to lose money from risky trading, as opposed to investor high in openness – a trait associated with overconfidence that can lead to excessive risks.

Highly open people are naturally curious and creative, so they have a broad range of interests and vivid imaginations. Preferring variety over rigid routines, they tend to pursue intense, euphoric experiences like meditative retreats or living abroad. Some people view them as unpredictable and unfocused.
Fun fact: Studies show people high in openness are more likely to endorse liberalism.

Emotional instability comes with neurotic people, who are more likely to be reactive and excitable. They are often viewed as unstable and insecure as they report higher degrees of unpleasant emotions like anxiety and irritability.
Fun fact: Studies find that neurotic people seek acceptance by publishing a lot of pictures on social media, and are less likely to post comments or updates that could be seen as controversial.
While not all of us conform 100% to one of these, we can learn to identify some of these traits in ourselves. Even though our personality traits are pretty constant, we can change into someone we want to be – scientists agree that it’s possible to change some of your personality traits with hard work and effort.